The article “Why We Love Lesbians” has much to say on the subject of female sexuality which I cannot speak to, not being female. What I wish to address is the place where a woman is quoted as saying, “Penises are the most repulsive-looking instruments of pleasure and often extreme pain ever created.”Consistent among those men who have raped/abused women is a hatred of, disgust with, and detachment from their own bodies. By affirming these feelings, the quote above and other comments within the article actively contribute to the cycle of abuse.
I saw The Vagina Monologues when it was produced last year. What I saw was people dealing with a sick society and sick individuals, but coming through with hope. Although it told the story of women, the emphasis was on affirming each person’s individual experience, not comparing one to the other. I strongly identified with the fears and hopes presented in the play regardless of my penis.
Sexual abuse crosses all bounds of sex and gender and so does the healing process. It is clear from the above-mentioned article that men have no monopoly on being oversexed and aggressive. I might also add that portraying genitals as weapons is always sick no matter how funny it is. -Ben Hebner III