Domestic Affairs
Aug 21 and 22-The Democratic National Committee ran ads accusing President Bush of causing shrinkage in Social Security and Medicare funds from $281 billion projection (Feb.) to $158 (Aug.).
Republicans are expected to retaliate with an ad saying, “He’s protected every penny of Medicare and Social Security and still left the second biggest surplus in history(…)Tell them (Democrats) America’s had enough infighting and hypocrisy.”Washington Aug. 26-The U.S. jail population has hit 6.5 million, said a Department of Justice report released Sunday.
Modesto, CA Aug. 25-In a Saturday editorial, Gary Condit’s hometown paper told him once again to resign. The paper criticized his behavior “of deception and evasion” in an Aug. 23 interview with Connie Chung.
Los Angeles Aug. 24-Thirty people filed a class action against makers of the anti-depressant Paxil, claiming that it caused “severe withdrawal reactions.”
History Uncovered
A newly declassified tape recording from November 21, 1962, revealed that NASA dissented with President John F. Kennedy’s rush to land a man on the moon before the Soviet Union.
International Relations
A Brasilian treaty brought before the Foreign Affairs committee allows the United States to launch its satellites from Alcantara.
According to the treaty, the launching site would be U.S.-guarded, and proceeds would be secured by U.S., but the location would aid expansion of Brazilian progress in space technology.
Flooding in eastern India’s state of Bihar this August has forced three million people to leave their homes so far.
RouteScience Technologies Inc., a networking start-up, created a device for users to test Internet performance and reroute for faster communication with customers.