So you saw the vague flyers about a white group of students forming to discuss racism. After our first meeting, September 24th, we felt the need to share information with the Guilford community about why the group was formed and what our first steps have been.We want to acknowledge up front that the very concept of “whites only” is intimidating, and a taboo of political correctness. It brings to mind “whites only” groups in a negative context, i.e. segregated schools or churches, organizations that deliberately perpetuate a system of white supremacy, etc. This group holds no such ideology. The only ideology the group currently holds is that there are elements of racism that need to be dealt with by white people, with white people. White perspectives is a place to begin that conversation.The point of this discussion is not to polarize or over-simplify people’s views but to recognize that they are all part of a spiraling process in working with racial issues as a white person. An important ground rule that we have already set is to come together with a willingness to have our views challenged, but in a respectful way.We do not feel that any one person or group of people is morally superior in the ways they deal with or understand racism. This is why our meetings do not focus on one particular ideology. In addition, there is no “head” of the group. Rather, at the end of each meeting, we agree on who will facilitate the following week’s meeting. The role of the facilitator may involve simply bringing a theme for the group to discuss, sharing a piece of writing, or a film.This is simply one way in which to address racism at Guilford College, and we hope that it will be productive for the individuals involved as well as for the community as a whole. Some more specific ways in which we hope this will serve the entire campus as well as the individuals involved include printing a monthly write-up in The Guilfordian and participating in dialogue and events with other organizations on campus that deal with racism and/or diversity. Meetings will now be held each Sunday at 7 p.m. in King 104.