Inhumane animal electrocutions, animals suffering in steel jaw traps for days, farmers breaking mink’s necks for profit — these are just a few of the horrifying images shown in the short video viewed at last Thursday’s Animal Rights Group meeting. Senior Shane Straight is the president and founder of the new group, which had its first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27. “We founded the group to promote the notion that animals are not ours to wear, experiment on, or eat…Every sentient being has the right to live his or her life without being mutilated, tortured, or killed by humans,” said Straight.
“The club is a good opportunity for people to express views that would otherwise be kept to themselves,” said freshman group member Anna Murray. “Shane is really organized for having put it [the Animal Rights Group] together himself.”
At the Oct. 4th meeting, a protest on the fur industry was initiated. There was a protest last Saturday at the Burlington Coat Factory in Winston-Salem and there will be another one this Saturday, Oct. 13 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Anyone interested should contact Shane Straight ([email protected]). Protests will also be planned for Jones Fur Co. in Greensboro.
Although active protesting is the group’s primary weapon against animal cruelty, they will also have informational pamphlets available to those who want to learn more.
The group expects to have regular vegan potlucks and cooking classes. Guest speakers for this year are not confirmed, but may include Sue Coe, Howard Lyman, Robert Cohen, Jim LaVeck and Jenny Stein, Gene and Lori Bauston, Eddie Lama and Eric Marcus. Public screening of videos such as The Witness will also be scheduled throughout the year.
The Animal Rights Group meets every Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. in the Environmental Studies Room in King. A follow-up report will come sometime later in the year to see where the group is going and what it has accomplished.