So a Quaker and an EasternMennonite walk into a gym …The Quakers (14-9) taughtthe Eastern Mennonite Royals alittle something about housekeepinglast Sunday when theydefeated them 71-55. The victorymarks the Quakers’ thirdstraight win and secures theirfirst winning season since1988-89.Excitement abounded asGuilford snapped a 14-14 tiewith a 9-0 run in the first quarter.After assuring a 37-25halftime lead, the Quakersscored the first six points of thesecond half, going on to gain a22-point lead with only 6:04minutes remaining.The team’s effort was accentuatedby some outstanding individualperformances.Senior center AronMcMillian was among four playerswho scored in double digits.He landed 10 of his 12 shotsduring the first half. McMillianalso snatched seven rebounds,the most in the game.Sophomore forward JoshConnor finished with 11 points,six boards, five assists, threesteals, and a blocked shot.The highest scorer wasrookie forward E.J. Arrington.He led the team with 15 points.Not a single Guilford starterplayed for more than 24 minuteson Sunday, giving us an opportunityto savor the skills of someof the other players. Off thebench, sophomore forwardJevon Clarke scored 12 points,and sophomore forward ThomasSwindell added 10 pointsand five boards.Oh the points, theprogress, and the poor, defeatedEastern Mennonite Royals.For Guilford’s men’s basketballteam, it’s all part of cleaninghouse.