The Urooj ticket won Tuesday’s Senate election by 62 votes amidst allegations of campaign misconduct from the Starr ticket.“The Starr ticket has filed an appeal with Elections Committee due to student concerns surrounding elections,” said Melissa Starr, the opposing candidate for Senate president. “We felt on election day there was some improper behavior on the part of the other ticket that wasn’t in line with the rules.”
“We’re not planning on making any further comments at this time,” she said.
The ticket voiced informal complaints Wednesday to Senate president Megan Page, and has until noon Friday to file its written appeal, according to Page.
“The Urooi ticket is still considered the winner until the Elections Committee has a chance to make a decision,” Page said.
Both Starr and Page refused to comment on the specifics of the allegations.
“I have some general ideas, but that’s why I asked for it in writing, so I know specifically
what the alleged election violations are,” Page said.
Sophomore and Senate secretary Tamara Asad, vice president-elect for the Urooj ticket, was unaware of the allegations.
“We were not contacted so we don’t know of any appeal,” Asad said Wednesday night. “I don’t recall any incident that would call such an appeal to be held. There was normal campaigning on both sides.”
No action will be taken until the yet-unformed Elections Committee meets, according to Page. The committee so far consists of Mona Olds, Rebecca Saunders, Vance Ricks, Chris Babcock, and Page.
“The committee will deal with this as quickly as possible,” Page said.