The Evolution of Miss America. Menstruation as Power. Mothering as Resistance. These were only a few of the many topics discussed at the Annual Conference on Women, sponsored by the Women’s Studies program and held on Friday, March 22.
The conference brought together students and faculty in a daylong celebration of work related to women’s issues of all kinds. Seniors Ginger Marshall, Misty Koger, and Nicky Blanchard organized the 31 presentations into topic-based panels, which ranged from “Body and Sex” to “Trauma and Recovery.”
“As organizers, we got the job done, but that wasn’t what made it stellar,” Marshall said. “I was impressed with how many women are working hard and thinking hard about [these issues].”
Many participants spoke about or read from papers they had written for various classes, but others told personal stories, submitted artwork, or performed live music. The majority were women; only two men presented. The audience was also primarily female.
“During my presentation, I counted fewer than three men in the room, out of about 30 people,” said senior Allison Austin, who spoke on sexual assault. “I wish [men] had been targeted a bit more directly. The consequences of the things that were talked about affect everybody.”
Overall, however, the conference seemed to be a huge success. “I couldn’t believe the amount of support we had from the faculty, and especially the students. It was a really powerful thing in that way,” Koger said.