Available online at www.guilfordian.comPlease send your completed application and related materials to James Tatum, 17647 Founders Hall or email to [email protected], by April 17 at 6:00 p.m. (note that the student mailroom closes at 4:00 p.m.) Please contact James at x3954 or by email if you have any questions. There is a separate application for students solely interested in a business position with the paper.
Campus Box #:_____________
References: (1-3, preferably local)
Contact info (i.e. phone #, email): ________________
Contact info (i.e. phone #, email): ________________
Contact info (i.e. phone #, email): ________________
Do you currently have plans to study abroad next year? (circle one) Yes No
If yes, please specify:
If no, are you prepared to make a one-year (two semester) commitment to The Guilfordian? Yes No
Please use additional sheets to address these questions, or if filling out electronically, type your answers below each question.
1) Describe any previous experience in journalism/publications and any positions you may have held.
2. List any technical experience, or other related qualifications you possess.
3. What ideas (i.e. format, creative, thematic) do you have that would contribute to the production of the department in which you have interest? (This question is intentionally broad to accommodate creativity in your answer).
4. Describe any leadership skills that you possess or any positions you may have held outside of journalism/publications that will guide you as a leader of this organization.
5. Please include a copy of your schedule this semester as well as a tentative schedule for next year. Are you interested in doing an internship with the Guilfordian?
6. Next year, what are the activities/responsibilities that will require as much or more time as a Guilfordian editorship? If selected, how do you plan to make sure that the Guilfordian does not suffer because of it?
Bearing in mind the criteria for selecting Guilfordian section editors (see separate handout), feel free to include additional information (i.e. portfolios, writing samples, copies of recent letters of recommendation, etc.) that you would like to be reviewed in consideration of your application.
Available Positions:
The following positions can be applied for using the Application for Guilfordian Section Editor. Number one through four by your interest in them.
_____ News Editor
_____ Features Editor
_____ Forum Editor
_____ World & Nation Editor
_____ Sports Editor
_____ Web Editor
_____ Photography Editor
_____ Layout Editor
_____ Associate Editor (preferred section ______)
_____ Assistant Layout Editor
_____ Visual/Arts Editor
_____ Graphic Design Artist
The following positions can be applied for using the Application for Guilfordian Business Department. Students applying for any of the positions listed above who are also interested in one of the positions below are exempt from completing the second application, but should be prepared for questions about how they intend to balance both positions adequately. Check (√) any positions in which you have an interest.
_____ Accounting
_____ Advertising Manager
_____ Business Manager
_____ Calendar Editor
_____ Circulation Manager
_____ Community Concerns Representative (not open to members of the editorial board)
_____ Copy Editor
_____ Development Director
_____ Managing Editor
_____ Sales Representative
_____ Subscriptions Manager