The following positions are available to interested individuals. Unless otherwise noted, inquiries should be directed to Editor-in-Chief elect James Tatum (X3954), [email protected] Editors: Section editors form the core of the editorial board. Each section editor is responsible for the content of their section (i.e. editing articles), including working with the editorial board to integrate the mission of their section into the mission of the paper as a whole. Section editors attend regular editorial, staff, and post-production meetings, edit articles submitted to their section, work with the photography editor, layout staff, and visual/arts editor to plan visual elements to enhance the presentation of their section, edit articles, and remain informed about important news developments of relevance to their section. (Did we mention editing articles?) Section editor positions include:
News: Do you like to know what is going on behind-the-scenes? Are you skilled at forming contacts to keep you alert of developments not immediately announced to the general public? News is the ideal position for the investigator in us all. Remaining informed about campus developments (i.e. staff reorganizations; hirings, firings, and resignations; upcoming events, lectures, and workshops at the college; and curriculum alterations or new program initiatives) is essential to the job. The News editor may be called on to write important late-breaking (or just important) stories to insure they are covered.
Features: Sometimes mistaken as “news-lite,” Features is the section that searches for the heart and soul of Guilford College. What events and activities do Guilford’s many clubs, departments, and organizations have in the works? What experiences did students have on their fall-break work trips? What is there to do on campus and in the surrounding community, and how do you get there? The Features editor will work closely with the Calendar editor to implement the new “Community Calendar” in the paper. Events and workshops that promote diversity on campus would be another primary focus. This position could conceivably be divided in half, with one editor focusing on campus events and another covering Greensboro and the surrounding vicinity depending on interest.
Forum: Forum is the opinion section of the paper where members of the community and readers from around the world can engage in intelligent discourse about recent developments at the college and other matters of interest. The Forum editor maintains the standards for public debate in the paper, taking an active role in helping writers to develop and strengthen their arguments while insuring that the section does not become another outlet for self-promotion. Recruiting a solid editorial cartoonist can greatly enhance the section. The Forum editor also serves as the contact person for “Letters to the Editor,” and is responsible for establishing and enforcing all guidelines for editorial submissions in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief.
World & Nation: World & Nation can be the most difficult section to define. Without structure, the beat can appear daunting: how do you cover the entire world knowing there are other organizations with more resources (i.e. time and money), more writers, and more space available for the task? The most “successful” W&N editor will be one who can identify a specific niche or purpose to guide the development of their section bearing in mind the target audience of Guilford College. Should W&N serve as a guide to more detailed resources available on the major stories of the day, possibly including government/non-profit websites, publications, and campus events? Should the section focus more on regional coverage, such as the City of Greensboro, Guilford County, and the state of North Carolina? Or should the section pursue more individual coverage, profiling figures in the news, and interviewing Guilford students from different states and countries? Is W&N even the appropriate title for this section? If you have a vision on how The Guilfordian can cover the “world beyond Guilford,” this is the section for you.
Sports: Several Guilford teams have enjoyed recent success, while other programs that had been struggling are showing signs of rebuilding. Who are the student athletes that make up these teams, and why did they decide to play sports at a small Quaker liberal arts college? As the student newspaper of Guilford College, The Guilfordian’s sports coverage should focus primarily on Guilford’s sports programs, including the athletes and coaches who devote much of their time to practice and training. If you are a Guilford Sports enthusiast, or are interested in hearing about different people’s backgrounds and activities, this could be the ideal position for you.
Associate Editors: Assist section editors with the duties of their section, including editing articles and working with the layout/visual department to plan visual elements for the paper. Serve as correspondents for late-breaking news, important events that need coverage. Attend weekly editorial and staff meetings. Contact James (x3954, [email protected]) for more details.
Web/On-Line Editor: Oversee regular updates to the Guilfordian website, development and implementation of web features (i.e., boxes and tables). Create discussion groups in response to developments in the news. Work with the layout staff to promote the website, including discussion boards, the on-line version of the community calendar, etc. in the print edition of the paper. Overall duties are comparable to those of a section editor-see above. Could work with photography editor to create an on-line photo gallery. No HTML or web experience necessary, however a creative flair, attention to detail, and the ability to meet deadlines are vital components of the job. Interest in creating fresh content (i.e., articles) for the website is desirable, but not required.