Student Union has big plans for next year. Union president-elect Kate Doom and her team – Sam Meyers, vice president, Cassie Baker, secretary, and Taleisha Bowen, treasurer – have begun planning events for the upcoming year.All four executives-elect are currently first-year students whose active membership on the first-year advisory board led to their to the decision to run in the Union election, which they won, opposed only by a write-in ticket also comprised entirely of first-years.
“We want to make Student Union more active and publicize events more as to reach a greater number of students,” they repeat as a theme over and over like a mantra.
Junior Eric Leaf, current Union president, offered support to the new officers. “Union is a pretty major time commitment. I hope that next year’s group will continue to offer diverse and fun events,” Leaf said.
Those interested in what Union has planned for next year can go to their weekly meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in Founders Commons. The 10 people at the last meeting, including Leslie Moss, director of student activities and events planning, are all highly energized about the prospects for next year.
For next year they have devised a plan that focuses on what they have dubbed ‘the big six.’ They are looking at having three major events each semester, with smaller events on the off weekends, which they hope will be run in collaboration with other clubs.
The tentative big three for the fall semester are, first, a plan to work with Action Greensboro, a community group dedicated to community planning and visioning, that will hold a citywide event for the seven colleges within Greensboro for a huge welcome weekend bash. As of now, exact plans for the weekend are still unknown.
Union is planning a large homecoming party for its second big event, which they hope will appeal to a large number of students, especially since next year’s homecoming game will be here at Guilford.
The final event of the fall term will be a fall fling, which is shaping up to be the Binford Formal with extras.
The three events for the spring semester are a welcome back party in Jan., a Mardi Gras festival, and the old standard, Serendipity. All of these ideas are just starting to be worked on and the details of individual events still haven’t been worked out.
“We are all really excited about next year,” said president-elect Doom. “We want to broaden the types of activities to appeal to a wide variety of students, and through the use of numerous activity counsels and committees get a lot of new and interesting events on campus,” she repeated.
Jen Surber, Union president in 1999-2000, said, “To make student Union work, it takes patience, a willingness to cooperate with the administration, and working hard at publicizing events.”
For now, event details remain murky, but the Doom ticket said it is looking forward to making Union a highly visible force on this campus.