Chatting with John MoreheadRecently I had the pleasure of sitting down with the John Morehead, a senior theatre studies major with an English concentration, and the director of Convention, the first full-length 100% student run production here on campus. Convention takes place at the mythical Griffin convention
Q: What are you looking to do after school?
A: I am going to be the Artistic Director of a new theatre company in Atlanta, Georgia, for starters and eventually Jared and I are hoping to bring Convention to Dragon*Con (the real convention the play is based on).
Q: How did you get to be director of this play?
A: I directed the one-act version of this play two years ago and it just seemed logical that I would direct this version. Tim Lafolette and Nick Popio are also returning cast members from the original one-act.
Q: What involvement does the theatre dept. have in this play?
A: Minimal – they are letting us use their lights, but we are not doing the play for them (though we hope they enjoy it). It is something that we want to do for ourselves, something to show what we’re capable of
Q: How many people are in the play?
A: There are ten members of the cast, 3 theatre majors and 7 non-majors, which brings a refreshing new element to the production.
Q: How do you feel about directing Jared Axelrod’s play?
A: It’s great. Jared and I are housemates. He comes to rehearsal once in a while to see its development and afterwards we will sit down and discuss its progress. It is always good to have an extra set of eyes to give it vision.
Q: How excited are you about this play?
A: We are all really excited! We have a great cast and we are trying to produce a professional show that everyone is a part of, one that everybody has partial ownership of. It takes a lot of work, but we can do it.
Dinner with Jared Axelrod
A few nights ago Jared Axelrod, senior English major with an Art concentration, and the author and creator of Convention, joined me for a dinner of spaghetti to discuss the upcoming production of his play.
Q: What do you plan to do after school?
A: I have been working on my own comic book called “Agents of Nowhere” which I will end up self-publishing, which is fine considering issues with authority.
Q: What is this play all about?
A: It is a coming-of-age comedy that follows the adventures of three main characters at the fictional Griffin convention.
Q: Is the play based on real life, and do you see yourself in the play anywhere?
A: I would say that I am a little bit of each character. One character, Bradbury, played by Tim Lafolette, is a close representation of myself two years ago, when I started the play, while Micheal Gadling, played by Nick Popio, is closer to me now.
Q: How has the play developed since its first incarnation?
A: It has gotten much bigger, obviously. It is still growing in my mind but for now I like it where it is and it will be just great to see it performed live.
Q: Speaking of seeing a performance, are you still actively involved in developing and directing the play?
A: I have gone to a few rehearsals but as I like to say to the cast and John, “my part is done.” I have given the play over to John and if he has a technical question or two he comes to me, but as for now it is his play and I am just a helper.
Q: What do you hope this will do for the future of student productions?
A: I’m hoping it starts a trend, so that other student writers can see their work produced. There is nothing greater than seeing your work come to life.
CONVENTION is coming to a stage near you.
This Wednesday the 24th through Friday the 26th, Convention, a completely student-run production, will be staged at Bryan Auditorium in the Frank Family Science Center. Shows will be at 8:00 on Wednesday and Thursday, with two shows on Friday, the first at 6:00 and a special showing at midnight.
This is the first all-student production that has been produced in a long time, possibly ever, and it is shaping up to be a real thiller.
So this Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, come out to see and support your fellow students in a whole new world where the freedom to express yourself actually means self expression. No matter what time of day it is, something is always happening at the Convention.