Pope John Paul II is now the third- longest-serving pontiff in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Now 83, he celebrated his 25th anniversary on Oct. 16. Elected to the papacy in 1978, he is the first non-Italian pope in more than 450 years.
Thousands of worshipers joined the Pope for his weekly general audience at St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City on Oct 15. CNN reports that the Pope spoke in both his native Polish and his adopted Italian.
“I thank you from my heart for being here today and during all these 25 years,” he said to the pilgrims that were his countrymen. “I am happy I can count on your spiritual support.”
Then in Italian he invited other pilgrims and residents of Rome “to praise the Lord and thank Him for this happy event.”
At least two appearances made by the Pope in recent months have been shortened or cancelled. In early September he traveled to Slovakia and couldn’t complete speeches during ceremonies. The general weekly audience was canceled on Sept. 24 due to health problems, causing worry over his general well being.
In the weeks since, aides and other Church officials have given many of his speeches.
The Pope is known to have Parkinson’s Disease – a progressive disease causing deterioration of the brain and shaking of the appendages. Sources report that it is difficult for him to speak clearly. In addition, he suffers from arthritis as well as hip and knee problems and is confined to a wheelchair.
As a result of the Pope’s apparent poor health, rmany rumors have been circulating. Vatican officials deny that he is considering stepping down from the office.
Senior James Wooten, raised Catholic, hopes the Pope won’t step down. “I think it’s wonderful that he’s been able to lead us for this long, and I only wish he could be around to lead us for a further 25 years,” he said.
There has been no final word on the Pope’s health, though the Washington Post reports that on Oct. 16 the Pope said that God, “while knowing my human frailty, encourages me to respond with faith and invites me to assume the responsibilities that He Himself has entrusted to me.”
The last pope to willingly abdicate the office was Pope Celestine V in 1294.
The 25th anniversary celebrations concluded on Oct. 21, when Mother Teresa was beatified, becoming “Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta,” one step from sainthood. The Pope also used this occasion to select 31 prelates to become part of the College of Cardinals, the group that will choose his successor after he dies or resigns.
Fox News reports that Pope John Paul II played a large role in the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. He also instigated a change in relationships between Catholics and Jews by visiting Nazi death camps and apologizing for the sins of Christians against Jews. He has elevated 476 people to sainthood.
Pope celebrates 25th Anniversary
Taleisha Bowen
October 31, 2003
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