Halloween is today! To celebrate, we asked Guilford students to share their favorite Halloween memories.
“Last year I was dressed as Jimi Hendrix, and when I went into work dressed in my costume another worker there took one look at me and started singing “Thriller” by Michael Jackson.”
Jeffrey Abbott is a sophomore who plans to major in Spanish.
“My brother was [dressed as a character from] the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and he took his mask and put it on my favorite teddy bear and tucked [the bear] under my bed cover. For a couple of days after that, I couldn’t step foot into my room.”
Anne Landay is a junior majoring in art and history.
“Winning second place last year at the Guilford Halloween Costume Contest [dressed] as ‘the Fat Tourist.'”
Brett Ralls is a senior majoring in accounting.
“Every year at school we would watch the movie Thriller and then we would go home, get into our costumes, and march around in a parade around the neighborhood.”
Alex Lissenden is a junior majoring in art.
“When I was nine, my mom made a cockroach costume for me. That was the best Halloween costume ever!”
Brice Tarleton is a first-year who plans to major in elementary education.