Amidst all the tension and uncertainty about the future of relations between the United States and Iran, there is one issue the leaders can agree on: preventing gay rights groups from speaking to the United Nations. This is not only an inhumane and ridiculous decision by both governments, it contradicts the principles that the United States supposedly promotes, such as equality, democracy, tolerance and free speech.
In the Jan. 27 edition of The New York Times, Warren Hoge explains in his article “Rights Groups Fault U.S. Vote in UN on Gays” that the United States backed a recommendation introduced by Iran to keep the Danish National Association for Gays and Lesbians and the International Lesbian and Gay Association from gaining consultative status in the UN’s Economic and Social Council.
The only other nations to side with Iran and the United States were Cuba, Sudan and Zimbabwe.
Consultative status would not give these groups any real power in the UN; it would only allow them to express their opinions. If their opinions were heard, it does not necessarily mean they would have a strong impact on the decisions of the UN; it would only diversify the information that the UN receives.
I cannot understand how this U.S. administration goes around the world trying to promote American values like democracy and free speech, but won’t even let a group of people have a chance to speak. This disregard for the rights that gays and lesbians should have is ridiculous.
People have the right to disagree with other people’s lifestyles, but no one has the right to use their power to silence anyone. Where is the freedom of speech in this?
I hope that one day, people will realize how oppressive it is to marginalize gays and lesbians. It’s not like they are going to suddenly change their ways because people disagree with them or try to force their lifestyles on heterosexuals. They just want their rights!
This vote by the United States siding with Iran, Cuba, Sudan and Zimbabwe demonstrates the double standards that our government operates with. They often criticize these nations for polices and called some of them evil, yet they have no problem agreeing with them on this issue.
This shows how our leaders put their “moral” values ahead of the American principles that they try to promote and don’t mind ignoring human rights. They are willing to side with “enemy” nations so that gays and lesbians are unable to express their opinions to the UN.
We can only hope that these people will someday open their minds and realize how wrong, immoral and oppressive they are acting. Maybe we can find a way to help them to see this, but this will only come through open dialogue. If gay rights groups continue to be silenced, it will be very hard to openly speak to the people that need to hear about this issue the most.