A category 7.0 earthquake leveled Haiti’s capital city Jan 12, killing 300,000 people in their homes or on the streets of their neighborhood as 21 million cubic feet of rubble rained down. According to The Wall Street Journal another 1.5 million people are homeless and living in tent cities; many people have lost everything and others are terrified that aftershocks could bring down what remains of their homes.
That was 11 months ago. Do you know what is happening today in Haiti?
Recent news stories have included Wyclef Jean’s failed presidential campaign and the cholera outbreak. Sprinkled in the back pages of the newspapers, buried under healthcare reform reports, stories of Haitians struggling to just stay alive can be found. The mass media’s neglect of Haiti’s story has allowed the country’s people and their struggles to be virtually forgotten by the international community.
“Aftershock Haiti” addresses the issues of the people, to bring awareness back to the Guilford community. Each week we will bring you a short story about the current efforts to resurrect Haiti.