At one point I am sure all of us watched the classic MTV show “Pimp My Ride.” Washed-up cars past their primes are reconstructed into true pimp-mobiles, and the unwanted then becomes a prized possession.
This concept has now arrived on the Guilford campus.
With spring semester approaching rapidly, professors are trying to persuade students to take their classes. Most of this encouragement is being shown on the daily Buzz e-mail that all students receive.
Professors are essentially “pimping” out their classes.
The act of pimping is usually something that society looks down upon, however, this new version of pimping sparks interest and supports academic involvement. This model could end up being the backbone of education as we know it.
Every year I have run across a teacher or professor that simply views teaching as their job. Their interest in the students is minimal, and they lack the enthusiasm needed to keep their class interested.
I would say that the majority of the time a professor dictates what a student gets out of a course. Although the material they present is crucial, their attitude towards their job is even more important.
Making it through these types of classes is a struggle that no one wants to encounter.
From the moment we start the long path of education, we are told that academics is not only supposed to teach you the information needed to be successful, but it is also supposed to be fun and exciting.
Reading a book is supposed to bring you into the moment that is being written about. Learning history informs us of our past and inspires patriotism.
It is very hard to do this if there is no outside source of motivation. I want a professor that comes to class everyday and inspires me to do my work. They have to find the perfect balance between work and fun, and their work needs to be their passion.
Class-pimping is one way to show students that professors care about what they teach. It allows them to reach out and express why their class is important.
To those who see this as a joke or demeaning to academics I ask you to think twice.
We have marketing strategies attacking us anytime we flip the page in a magazine or change the channel while watching television. Most of these advertisements are for unhealthy food choices and over priced clothing.
Now marketing has seen the light. Academics has taken a role and found a way to inspire students through professor marketing.
Welcome to New Age education.