Michele Bachmann wore open backed sandals. Who the bleep cares?
I adore clothing, and I am currently conducting a love affair with shoes, but my affair stops long before the voting booth.
So I pose the question again: who on earth actually cares? In a country with a failing economy, high unemployment rates, a poor education system, a crashing environment, a rapidly approaching energy crisis (need I say more), one would think that a person’s choice in fashion would be entirely inconsequential.
I do not care what you wear or how you do your hair; just take the multitude of burdens off the back of this country.
Since when is high fashion design a desirable quality during a time of poor economic growth and such high unemployment? It would make a world of sense for Bachmann to shop at the lower end, “ugly” department stores than to frivolously spend money that could else wise be put to better use.
In the extreme opposite of high-class society, why shouldn’t she shop at stores such as Goodwill? Support the economy, help a charitable cause, and prove she is no better than those who are forced to shop second hand.
Bachmann is the mother of five and has brought 23 foster care children into her home. As if this is not enough of a reason to want to wear reasonable shoes, she has been touring non-stop, walking up and down stairs, across stages, and all throughout meet-and-greets.
The criticism Bachmann has received from the 24/7 media empire we currently live in, is frankly digging for anything considered, “decent” news. To be even more frank, demanding that all female public figures parade and dance around in four inch stiletto heals is absurd and overly ridiculous.
Walk a mile in Bachmann’s shoes before you decide to criticize her choice of un-fancy footwear. Her male criticizers should just try on a pair of heels and their buck will stop there.
And do we even know who manufactured those hideous shoes? I would much prefer a presidential candidate to sport a low-fashion American pair of shoes, than to step foot into a gorgeous pair of imports.
Get real America, there are more important things going on.