Homecoming, the week-long series of campus-wide events, will bring Guilford grads from all over the country back to the community that once fostered their eager minds in their undergraduate education.
This year, the Career Development Center and the Alumni Relations Office are collaborating to bring Quake Talks to homecoming weekend. According to the Guilford College website, “(it is) a new series offering an innovative opportunity for alumni to share stories, knowledge, experiences and post-college navigation through short presentations on various topics.”
From corporate executives and authors to political activists and film producers, Quake Talks will bring together graduates from countless academic disciplines and professions.
“The folks who are speaking at Quake Talks have been there, and they have done that. They have been in the students’ shoes and now … they’re living their lives outside of Guilford,” said Megan Walters, assistant director for internships in the Career Development Center. “They have been through interviews, they have had to go to work, they have had to deal with supervisors and they have taken their Quaker values to work.”
Departments across campus have held similar alumni reunions, but this is the first time that alumni will come together across majors and professions.
“It’s really a celebration of the liberal arts,” said Karrie Jo Manson ’82, senior director of Alumni Relations.
“We all know that we have to continue to get better about helping students make the connection between liberal arts and the next steps. That’s a nuanced conversation, and that is what this is really about.”
This shared Guilford experience brings alumni together in discussing the nonlinear career path that a multifaceted liberal arts degree offers.
Since alumni will be presenting throughout the day on Friday and Saturday in the Gilmer Room, students will be able to come in and out as is convenient for their schedule.
“All of us are going to be learning a lot, but they’re also going to be inspiring,” said Miriam Biber ’02, assistant director of Alumni Relations.
The diverse lineup of alumni will be educational and entertaining, to say the least.
“They’re funny and they’re smart, and I think students will enjoy it and have a good time,” said Walters.
With more than 260 alumni registered to come this weekend, there will be lots of opportunities for students to interact with alumni from all over the country. Make sure to check out the jazz concert at the lake, the tailgating activities before the football game, the Gayla, community print making, and meeting for worship with a message from President Jane Fernandes to polish it all off. Check out the full homecoming schedule at Guilfordian.com.
Alumni Relations.
The diverse lineup of alumni will be educational and entertaining, to say the least.
“They’re funny and they’re smart, and I think students will enjoy it and have a good time,” said Walters.
With more than 260 alumni registered to come this weekend, there will be lots of opportunities for students to interact with alumni from all over the country. Make sure to check out the jazz concert at the lake, the tailgating activities before the football game, the Gayla, community printmaking and meeting for worship with a message from President Jane Fernandes to polish it all off.