Pride Making a Comeback!

Pride at Guilford college. The club, its members and their presence here on campus. (via wikipedia commens)

A once-dormant club is now on the verge of emerging from the shadows. Since its foundation, Guilford College has been known for its seven values: community, diversity, equality, excellence, integrity, justice and stewardship. These values are important to the community and have been implemented in all aspects of campus life, especially in student clubs. 

Many students on campus identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Some students have become aware of the size of this community on campus and decided to take action. Senior Mac Davis, now the president of Pride Club, helped to get the club back up and running. 

One way to ensure that LGBTQIA+ students can be themselves and feel safe on campus was to create a space where they could do just that. Davis decided to make the Bayard Rustin Center (BRC), in King 128, the Pride Room. 

“We want to welcome those who desire to deepen their understanding of LGBT-related issues, including basic terms and concepts, and wish to support LGBT-identified people,” Davis said. 

It is a work in progress, but the vision of the room is that it would be a welcoming atmosphere for all. 

“I want (the) LGBTQIA+ community to feel safe when they’re on campus and to find a community of people that will understand them,” said Trinity Stryer, vice president.

Throughout the fall three-week session at Guilford, the club was dedicated to cleaning out the BRC to get ready for the first meeting, which was held in 

One of the priorities for the club was to create a position called Pride’s People of Color (PPOC), in order to create space for students of color within the LGBTQIA+ community.

“My motivation for Pride Club is bringing back LGBTQ representation on campus,” said PPOC Chair Tiara Martin.

Martin, who is a senior, reflected on how she “struggled in finding a safe space on campus” where she can fully be herself, and how she wants to leave her mark on the club as PPOC chair. Her hope is to be able to come back in the future and see that Guilford’s Pride Club is still around, louder and prouder. 

After several meetings and much preparation, the club is excited to get up and running again, and has big plans in the works. Pride meets every other week in the MRC. The plans for each meeting vary, and many different topics are covered. Some of the club’s upcoming events include a karaoke night, a visit from a guest speaker and a movie night featuring the film “Love, Simon.” Members are also busy making plans for Pride Week, which runs Oct. 10-14.

One way to stay informed about all of the Pride Club’s events is to follow its Instagram page, @guilford_copride. The Buzz and “What’s the G” are good places to look for updates as well.

According to its members, the Pride Club is doing everything in its power to create a lasting legacy. The board members also want nothing more than to see the club flourish even after they all graduate in the next couple of years. 

“It was our legacy that we started this club pretty much from scratch,” said Stryer. “We worked hard to get it started and we just want it to continue so that LGBTQ people on campus have a place in the community.”