Horoscopes: Libra season marks big changes


Aries: There’s a lot of passion driving you this week, and you may be compelled to rush through things without giving them much thought. You may disagree with your partner over finances, but just because they aren’t as bold as you are doesn’t mean they are playing it too safe. Let others get involved this week, even if it goes against your fiery instincts.

Taurus: It’s time to take care of yourself this week and streamline your workspace. Whether that means organizing your planner or starting a new spreadsheet, make your space work for you. Take time for yourself without rushing into a life-altering self-care routine.

Gemini: It’s a big week for organizing the home. File a maintenance report for that broken window and leaky air conditioner. Keep an eye out for a carrier pigeon from a secret admirer; you may be surprised by its origin. You may be offered a rare opportunity for a relationship with someone totally different from who you’re used to. Enjoy the novelty!

Cancer: You’re ready to take the next step in whatever romantic situation you find yourself in this week, whether that means asking your crush to a picnic on the lake or making plans to rent an apartment with your partner next semester. It’s a hard time of year to force yourself out of the comfort of your bed. Make plans to balance friendships with your treasured alone time.

Leo: You’re headed for a significant life change this week. There is progress waiting at the end of whatever you put your mind to. Submit the application for your dream internship or apply to study on the other side of the world next semester. You may be scared to make that leap toward your future, but you have what it takes to create your best life. Just do it.

Virgo: You are headed towards a committed relationship this week. It might be time to move from the talking stage to a labeled relationship, or from an open relationship to the feared but valuable monogamy. Cut yourself some slack. You don’t have to go keto and stick to a budget. Libra season is a time to allow yourself some simple pleasures.

Libra: Don’t think in black and white this week. You can create a balance between doing things for yourself and pleasing others. We’re entering your season, so prepare for a happy birthday and examine where you’re putting your emotional energy. Are you waiting for a particular answer, or not asking the question that’s on your mind because you fear rejection?

Scorpio: It’s a good week to dig into the analytical side of your life. Fill out the seemingly endless tax paperwork for a potential work study, or dig into that calculation-heavy chemistry homework. You’re waiting for solidity in your work life, and you’re anxious to take that next step. However, not everything has to be analytical; spice up your love life.

Sagittarius: You could come into some money this week. Take this blessing and put it towards your future. Whether that means stashing it into your savings account or putting it towards a new car, it’s time to think about the big picture. You have an opportunity to turn an acquaintance into a romantic partner. It’s okay to foster something in darkness before you announce what you have to the rest of the world.

Capricorn: The beginning of this week tossed you into the spotlight. You have a glow about you that others are starting to notice; this may result in an unusual amount of compliments, or just a lot of staring. You’re feeling bored in your professional life. It might be time to learn how to skim wordy textbook chapters or reach out to friends in a different field. Don’t let your fear of change keep you complacent.

Aquarius: Sunday is a day to relax and start over. Set your to-do list aside and go for a walk to the Underground Railroad tree. Let this new season bring you a well-deserved break from your tendency to work yourself into exhaustion. You may feel a pull towards family this week, but you’re not letting your nostalgia take you away from your studies. Reward yourself after long study sessions by FaceTiming your favorite sibling.

Pisces: The beginning of this week will bring you into the center of major happenings on campus; you are ready to get involved. There is time for milestone conversations about love and intimacy with your partner. Let your partner know what keeps you excited. Finally, you might find yourself at a big event. There might be a huge birthday bash for a close friend or an important dinner with your scholarship group.