Why do you stand against sexual violence?
By the end of the semester, photographs of determined students, faculty and staff will be printed and made visible throughout campus alongside personal statements answering this question.
Guilford College’s poster campaign is modeled after the Men Can Stop Rape campaign titled “My Strength Is Not For Hurting.” The campaign takes sexual violence awareness to a larger scale with its posters, billboards, postcards, banners and bus ads gracing various areas of the U.S. and other countries.
“This is an initiative that we have been planning for months,” said Wellness Education Coordinator Kristie Wyatt ’08. “The Men Can Stop Rape Campaign is something that has greatly inspired me and my work. To have students buying in and getting their faces out there publicly to stand up for these important issues will be a huge step in getting community awareness, raise student involvement and increase programming.”
“My strength is not for hurting, so when she said no, I said okay,” states the MSINFH campaign. Affirmations and other “My Strength” messages included in the campaign aim to combat date rape and other forms of sexual violence.
“This is the year 2014,” said sophomore Darion Bayles. “With all the resources we have, we should be able to show each other love, regardless of race or sexuality.”
According to sophomore Campaign Leader Molly Anne Marcotte, rather than taking a blind eye to sexual violence and refuting those who come forward with experiences of inappropriate behavior, it is important to embrace each other with love and support.
“First, in every (sexual) situation you are in, not only asking for consent, but also listening and respecting that person’s boundaries after they give it is necessary,” said Marcotte.
“Second, help others feel as though these are accessible options that are not so stigmatic.
“Third, if someone does come forward about an experience they had, support and listen to what they need, instead of blaming them for what happened.”
Campaigns such as these encourage students and faculty to consider how we can improve Guilford’s policies.
Guilford College President Jane Fernandes recently approved updates to the Policy on Harassment and Intimidation for Guilford employees.
According to section 3.2 of the Staff Handbook, “sexual harassment of job applicants, employees or students at Guilford College is defined as unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature.”
The revised policies intend to more clearly address unacceptable behavior. Found in section 3.2 are several updates, including specific instances of inappropriate conduct, third party situations, types of harassment and details on consensual relationships among teaching staff and students.
“Our community does not stand for sexual assault,” said Director of Student Leadership and Engagement Steve Moran. “We stand for a community that is healthy, well, supports one another and is consensual.”
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