After a summer full of intriguing news and thought-provoking questions, The Guilfordian is back to report it all.
From the protests in Ferguson to the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the world has seemed a tumultuous place for the last few months. However, the U.S. win in the game against Ghana in the World Cup bolstered national pride. Our World and Nation section has a lot of events to catch up on from a summer full of national ones.
We also look forward to reporting on-campus news that came to the forefront over summer break.
The most important change to our administration that we’ll be covering is the transition from former president Kent Chabotar to our incoming leader Jane Fernandez. We look forward to seeing how she brings her own style and administration to Guilford and will be keeping up with her changes to Guilford life. We expect great things.
Among our other upcoming stories is the sexual assault list that included Guilford at the end of the last semester. It’s a priority for us to include what progress the administration has made to address the problems brought out by this federal investigation.
Other important issues to us in the coming semester will be the budget situation for this year and the departure of many members of our faculty and staff, including former Dean of Students Aaron Fetrow.
The Guilfordian also underwent a lot of changes over the summer. We’re introducing a multitude of new staff to the department, including a new editor-in-chief, a new managing editor and new editors for all five sections.
We have new leaders in our photo, video, and web departments as well.
This year we’re focusing on integrating social justice into all of our sections to reflect how much we value the unique aspects of our liberal arts insitution. Alexandra Haridopolos, our new social justice coordinator, will be overseeing the best way to fit our SoJo blog into the new mainstreaming.
The change pervading our campus this year provides a welcome opportunity to bring in a fresh perspective. With new leaders in The Guilfordian and throughout the college, we look forward to hearing from you.
Christopher • Sep 20, 2014 at 7:02 pm
So the entire editorial board thinks that Israel is ethnically cleansing Gaza? This is why I enjoy reading the Guilfordian. It affirms my long held opinion that colleges are breeding grounds for group think and one directional political advocacy. Indeed, for a college that preaches diversity there certainly isn’t any diversity of thought/opinion on the Guilfordian editorial board. Of course, this is likely more to do with the wider implications of what’s being taught in the classroom than it represents a failure of the Guilfordian to find diverse views.
I see this newspaper as a reflection of the quality of education in Guilford College itself. Its articles are a reflection of not only what’s going on in the world, but what students are taught, what they’re thinking, and how they think. Image then my surprise then when I see the entire editorial board backing the opinion that Israel is engaging in ethnic cleansing. Indeed there must be someone among you who does not hold such an, in my judgment, absurd opinion? Anyone? If not then shame on the Guilfordian and shame on Guilford College. You are indeed living in an one directional thought bubble that does not reflect the diversity of thought in the Greensboro area nor the United States. The notion that an entire editorial board would hold such an opinion implies that students here are coming to be indoctrinated rather than educated.
On the other hand, do not take the above as a warning to hide how you truly feel. I want people to know what the implied common consensus among students is at a college before they shell out thousands of dollars for an education. The college newspaper is a means to weigh such a standard. Therefore, continue on acting honestly as the media ambassadors of the College. Let every parent know what they are getting when they pay for their sons/daughters education. Let it be known that the entire editorial board at Guilford College truly thinks that Israel, where ethnic minorities enjoy more rights than in any other country in the Middle East, is ethnically cleansing Gaza.