Welcome to hell month, otherwise known as April, where you’re not only overwhelmed by everything happening in the present but forced to plan for your future — your summer, your next semester — as well.
It’s tempting to take on everything, to tell yourself you’ll be able to handle 18 credits, a club leadership position, an on-campus job and an internship. But we at The Guilfordian are here to tell you that you just need to give yourself a break.
Invest your time in what you care about on a deep, passionate level. Ensure that you will have time not just for your friends but also for yourself. Re-evaluate your current schedule and remind yourself that just because you’ve been doing something thus far does not mean you’re obligated to continue it.
This isn’t to say that you should quit everything, start from scratch and use the excuse of “self-care” to shirk your responsibilities. This is to say, though, that you’re not helping anyone, your community or yourself, if you’re stretched thin and overburdened.
It is with this understanding that we at The Guilfordian also urge you to consider joining us. A campus newspaper is, in our humble opinion, a vital voice in the community and one that needs as many participants as possible in order to be at its best. We can’t properly cover that neglected aspect of campus life or bring attention to that undiscussed issue if we don’t have you suggesting the pitch, writing or editing the story, taking the photo or producing the video.
Take care of yourself. Pursue your passions and forget the rest. And most importantly, register for ENGL 285, Guilfordian Practicum, with instructor permission, for one, two or four credits.