If a street interviewer were to ask pedestrians whether America is more sensitive than it used to be, many interviewees would say yes. I think many people would agree with this scenario. But where did this sensitivity come from, and how can so many people agree on its presence?
The sensitivity comes from two sources: wokeness and political correctness, both of which emerged primarily in the 20th century. The term “woke” comes from various songs, literary pieces and movements encouraging African Americans to stand out in society and stand up for social justice. On the other hand, “political correctness,” while still emerging during the early 1900s, had a more rigid definition literally referring to adhering to the political policy of a country’s specific regime.
Over the last century, both of these terms have evolved to carry sociopolitical definitions. “Woke” not only refers to racial equality rights, but also includes liberal ideas such as LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality. Similarly, political correctness doesn’t really relate to adhering to a political regime, but rather refers to language or policies that are socially inclusive, meaning language that isn’t marginalizing, insensitive, discriminatory or any other “harmful” adjectives.
Now, how do these sources create American sensitivity? Personally, I think it has more to do with their evolution than their actual meanings. Let me explain.
Most Americans today can agree that the social state of America in the 20th century was wrong, and many think our society is still problematic. That’s why wokeness emerged among African Americans — to combat racial injustice — and, to a certain extent, political correctness — to maintain order among society.
However, the purpose of these terms shifted as change emerged, especially during the 21st century. As wokeness became more popular, African American rights supporters became more radical. Just when issues were being solved, protesters began to mention new problems such as the White Man’s continuous suppression of colored people and the inequality between men and women, even though social discrimination and inequality has basically been eliminated in modern America. Similarly, political correctness evolved as liberals became more radical and used their social influence to restrict messages that opposed their goals.
This shift in meaning reflects a larger shift in societal opinion. As America became more socially equal and “woke” Americans became more aggressive in the 21st century, there was a period of time in which the public could not express its opinion. The “woke” police began to use their power to silence any talk that opposed their views, which led to the rise of social media’s infamous cancel culture. The “woke” police targeted both celebrities and everyday people left and right based on any content that displayed a trace of opposition to their regime. This new “woke” society began to oppress the very people they claimed were oppressing them.
But wait, does it feel like everything I’ve said is old news, stuff we’ve already been over hundreds of times? Well, I kind of hope it does because that’s exactly what this is: old.
From the late 2010s through 2023, Americans argued over the “Great Awokening,” the shift in social policy, and its validity in modern society. But I think America is past this phase. Look at social media: Many influencers and celebrities have been able to post content without a random group calling for its ban due to some form of “insensitivity.” And I’ll admit, while the movement was over-the-top, it was necessary for progress. Without this movement, some social issues would not be addressed, whether racial or sexual equality, and I think these issues needed to be addressed in order for America to truly be the land of the free.
So, let’s reconsider the scenario. How can so many people agree that America is more sensitive if we have seemingly moved away from this movement? I think this response is part of the progress.
While Americans remain cautious in a changing social landscape, still deeming it to be a sensitive nation, the era of extreme wokeness appears to be fading. America still has problems that need solving, but Americans are starting to solve them without being radical, whether as an “Awokener” or “anti-Awokener.”
So, the question isn’t really why is America still sensitive? Rather, we should ask: is America even sensitive at all? I think the answer is no, as long as we ensure that America does not experience a second “Great Awokening” and leave “wokeness” in the past.