News in Brief

Muppet Wikia
After one hundred years of evading human sight, the majestic African black panther has been spotted in Laikipia County, Nairobi. Only about 11 percent of the leopard species is black, but black panthers in Africa are particularly rare. There was no documented sightings for over a century until January of this year, when researchers confirmed the presence of black leopards. The last confirmed black panther spotting was in Addis Abbaba, the capital of Ethiopia in 1909.
Iran’s leaders are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution which overthrew the American-backed Shah in 1979. On Feb. 13, the celebratory events took a darker turn when a suicide bomber took the opportunity to incite chaos by striking the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp, the country’s elite paramilitary force, killing 41 on a bus. The Revolutionary Guards blame the U.S. for the attack, although they have not yet elaborated how the U.S. was involved.
Saudi Arabia
Human rights activists are urging Google and Apple to withdraw an app which allows Saudi men to keep track of the women under their guardianship. In Saudi Arabia, it is legally required for women to get permission to travel from a husband or men in their family, even a son. The app, Absher, which loosely translates to “Yes Sir,” allows men to revoke women’s rights to travel through airports and track their national identity cards and passports.
At a time when European socialists are reeling from a continental swing right, even Spain, who’s leftist government has held out better than others, is facing a litmus test. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez was hoping to budget to address income inequality and increase social benefits, but his budget is unlikely to pass without the votes of Catalonian lawmakers, who retracted their support in order to bring the issue of Catalonian independence to the national stage.
The Philippines
Government agents arrested journalist and political critic Maria Ressa on a libel charge. Ressa is the chief executive of the online news platform Rappler, which has been critical of the country’s president Rodrigo Duterte. Her staff livestreamed to Facebook pictures of officers from the National Bureau of Investigation who delivered the arrest warrant to Rappler’s headquarters on Feb. 12. Ressa responded saying that she is not afraid.